Raid Team - InsightSpotlight

Meet VALOR: Tyliandrus

Meet: Tyliandrus Hello! My name is Tyliandrus, but everyone calls me Ty. I am the newest Raid Leader & GM in VALOR, and I...

Meet VALOR: Helix

Meet: Helix Hello VALOR Fam! I’m Helix, the newish social media guy for VALOR. I will start by saying that being in the spotlight...
Raid Team - BlueRaid Team - BronzeSpotlightStackUp

Meet VALOR: Nemo

Meet: Nemo Hello, VALOR world! I’m Nemo, your friendly neighborhood tactical fish. I’m married, with three amazing daughters, and I have three dogs—including my...

Meet VALOR: kasper

Meet: kasper I never know how to start these things (pfft, like I’ve written so many spotlights about myself LOL) so here we go!...

Two Years of VALOR

Hello VALOR Fam! It’s hard to believe that we are closing out year 2 and moving into year 3 of VALOR. When VALOR started,...

Meet VALOR: Des

Meet: Des Hi, I’m Des! I’m your friendly neighborhood feral player, coffee connoisseur, and pet battle lover! Let me tell you who I am...