Season 2 is Here! New Dungeons, new affixes, new loot!! This is also the beginning of what is going to be an incredibly bright future for VALOR. We have some big news on the company side.
Raid News:
We are so excited to get Abberus started tonight! Please make sure you’re signing up for the raids in the calendar in the game. If anyone is not familiar with that, please ask an officer. We’ve also added a link to the raid rules. We will adhere to all of these rules moving forward and will go over them in voice before the raid tonight.
New to this guild, but not unfamiliar to most, we will be enacting a loot council for most loot in the new raid. This loot council will consist of myself, Fel, and Prawfet and will be referring to a spreadsheet we have put together for gear that is best for a certain class, not a certain person. The only caveat to this rule is tier gear. Those w/ 1 piece of tier will be prioritized over those w/ no pieces. This is to maximize set bonuses off the bat.
Community Content: We have many streamers in the community who are going to be streaming mythic+ dungeons and raiding this week. While supporting them as a viewer you can learn a lot by watching them run end game content. You can enable notifications for when they go live by clicking “ | Stream Alerts “ under the channel “
Other Notes:
If you are a WoW player, please fill out the information in the “WoW-Info” Tab. This allows all of us to ping specific professions/classes/specs etc. in disc.
We’ve been receiving a lot of interest about a second raid team. This WILL be happening in the future. We want to ensure we are appropriately staffed and set up before we commit to 2 full raiding groups, but we want you to be aware that it is on the docket for the future. We are also not fully complete for our main mythic team, there are still spots available. If you’re interested in raiding on Main progression team or as the 2nd team that would be more focused on normal difficulty raiding, please reach out to myself or Fel so we can get a list of those who are interested.
Finally, let’s all welcome @Pizzadog 🍕🐶 as a new community MOD! Congrats, Jonah!
Thank you all for everything you do and for making VALOR the community it is!