

Hello VALOR Fam!

We hope you had a great weekend, everyone! Another successful week for VALOR! Let’s go over some of the majors! We had our first TOWN HALL on Sunday, the 10th of September! We had a fantastic turnout and really enjoyed meeting everyone that was there! We took a few questions, explained our roles as VALOR staff and highlighted some of the things we have planned for the future of VALOR! If you missed this one, keep your eye out for the next one, as we would like to do these more often!

On the subject of RAIDING, we have had an INCREDIBLE week. HUGE Shoutout to Pizzadog/Dock for stepping up when our dear Pharma was out sick to make sure the Sunday Academy Normal run this passed Sunday still went off without a hitch! We had a fantastic group and some amazing feedback! You are welcome to join our next VALOR Academy Normal Raid next Sunday at 8:00 PM EST!

The Saturday Community Heroic raid has been a big hit with the community as well, and we’d love to have you at the next one! Reach out to Mamabearr or Fluffe for more info! Our Silver Raid Team is still looking for a raid lead. In the words of our wise Fel: It is a very rewarding and pretty easy position. We will be holding open interviews, so PLEASE reach out if you are intersted!

At VALOR, we strive to harbor a safe, welcoming environment to EVERYONE, so we invite you to review our Community Guidelines by visiting the rules section of our website or by clicking HERE. As we continue to grow, there will be trolls and toxic individuals who will join. We do our best to address these as quickly as possible and remove them from the community. If you encounter anyone like this, please reach out to any moderator. This also applies to individuals who have been removed from the community and reach out to you in DMs.

The September Transmog Contest is in FULL EFFECT and the theme has been announced! This month our theme is ‘Welcome, Fall!’ We want to see your best ‘Fall’ transmog, in whatever sense that means to YOU. The rules can be found under Event News. Breifly, Characters must be part of VALOR guild, Transmogs must be created using individual pieces! Meaning: You may NOT use ‘sets’ and it needs to be an original composure. A Mount/Pet should be included in your transmog submission! We can’t wait to seee what you come up with! KayDiddyy has some AWESOME new activities planned for the community in the near future, so keep your eye on the EVENT NEWS section of Discord for any new annoucements!

Reminder!! We are holding our monthly VALOR Community Night THIS SATURDAY, the 16th at 9:00 PM PST! Come hang out with the community in this months game. Chill in discord, listen to some music and group up. Participants will automatically be entered in this months giveaway. See you there!

– This week in VALOR –
Upcoming Events

  • Sep 16th – Community Game Night
  • Sep 23rd – Discord double xp event
  • Sep 30th – September Transmog Contest Ends

View all events here

Weekly Report Notes
  • New guild members: 29
  • Top 5 average guild M+ rating: 3165
  • Average item level of Max Level Characters: 411.83
  • New Max Level Characters: 19
  • Average item level of top 20 characters: 445.95

View the full report here

Warcraft Roadmap and upcoming patch.

Who is EmpressChristi?

Greetings and Salutations my friends! Most of you know me by Christi, but some know me as the greedy gold making goblin Covina. Hyperactive Arcane Mage with the desire to learn as much as she can about the game we all know and love as World of Warcraft.
I started Playing WoW during Burning Crusades back in ’07. I have played the game off and on throughout the years. Sadly I missed Legion, WOD and Shadowlands. Back during BFA I took a long break due to burn out. But BFA is also where I found my passion for gold making, go figure, still dont have the Bruto.
I am a mother of 6 children. My oldest is 18 and my youngest is 5. I have a background in writing, game design and ttrpgs. I am working in the modeling field at this time, as it is were the money is, but I also help run a goat ranch. I am Kind of a Jill of all trades. I was born and raised in Los Angeles California and have lived all over the country and a few places outside of it.
I found VALOR through the Awesome Kaydiddy and haven’t looked back since. It is one of the best communities I have had a chance to be part of and I look forward to talking and playing with everyone almost every day. Life is hectic but good and I wouldn’t have it another way. Thanks to Pharma, Lilly, Kaydiddy, Fuzzy, Neuro and quite a few others, I really feel like I have a home in VALOR.

View Character



That is all the news this week! Check back often to stay up to date on all things VALOR. Please keep in mind if you have any questions, need to speak to a member of your leadership team or have any issues you can use the “Contact mod” channel in discord or send a message any member of leadership at anytime. If you would prefer to remain anonymous or would like to provide detailed feedback you can use the feedback form here.