
Hello VALOR Fam!

Welcome, Travelers! So much has happened this past week and we’re very excited to share with you! We’ve gained 21 new guild members and 13 new max level toons! Let’s go! VALOR Blue has been working hard this week, getting the Experiments down to 17.34%! Great job, Blue!

A new Transmog theme has been announced for the month of August! This month’s mog theme is ‘VALOR Logo Replica’! Meaning: Using the VALOR logo as a reference, try to replicate it as best you can! As of right now, the pots for the Transmog Contest are the base rate. 1st Place: 50K, 2nd Place: 25K and Third Place: 10K.

As a reminder, Fel has organized a community Heroic Aberrus raid runs on Saturdays at 8:00 PM EST. This is a raid for those who are experienced with raiding and are capable of carrying their own weight. If you are interested in raiding, please reach out to Fel for more information!

VALOR Silver Raid Team is LOOKING FOR RAIDERS! We are looking for melee and a few specific classes. There is a required item level of 424 as well as Full Enchants Rank 3, and the expectation that you bring the necessary consumables during raid. If you are interested in being a part of VALOR Silver Raid team, we encourage you to reach out to Fluffe (Rawr for Mama), Fel or Nomi with your inquries!

Has anyone wondered how to gain xp in Discord or increase your rank in the guild? PrawfeT has detailed an outline of how to do this on our website, under ‘About’, subcategory ‘Leadership’, Number 3, Roles and Ranks. You can get right there by clicking HERE! He has also outlined a few FAQ’s, as well as the benefits of becoming a Supporter of our Discord, by subscribing to support the community.
We are still looking to add many classes needed to acheive the Stay Class Guild Achievement! There is a subcategory within Discord’s WoW-CHAT, or by clicking HERE, called Stay Classy, which features the Races and Classes that we are missing. The Stay Classy Achievement gives us access to an extra guild bank slot that we’d like to use for our raid teams!

VALOR’s Warcraft Academy is in full effect and Neuro, our Mentorship and Development Leader, with his Sr. Mentor Ghosty, have outlined a FULL roadmap of what is to come. With their core values being: ‘Always Inclusive, Always Constructive, Always For You’, we cannot wait to see what they have in store as they ‘Create a World of Warcraft accessible to all players, regardless of experience, where knowledge is shared freely and clearly for the betterment of all players.’ You can find more details about this incredible program in the VALOR Academy section of Discord under Resources, or by clicking HERE!

Weekly Guild Report Notes

  • +21 new guild members.
  • VALOR hit over 420 followers on Twitter!
  • Noodleoctopus reached a huge 1845 PVP rating!
  • Our discord hit over 320 members!
  • 13 New max level guild members.
  • 0 Evoker Legendary’s dropped!
  • VALOR Blue Progged to 17.34% on Mythic Experiments.
  • Nomi advanced to a MASSIVE 446 ilvl!

Be sure to check out this week’s Guilds of WoW report here.

Discord Updates

We’re starting to update the Discord with new links and information. A new welcome screen has been added with links to new pages on the website to help keep it cleaner and easier to find our community information. The channel access page has been removed and the new section Channels & Roles can now be found at the top of the page to unlock specific channels. Added new Warcraft themed emotes, cleaned up channels and updated sections.

This is a work in progress and over the next several weeks we will be testing new features so please use the 📤│𝗙𝗘𝗘𝗗𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞/𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗚𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦 channel to let us know what works, what doesn’t, and any ideas you may have.

Community Shoutout!

Shoutout this week to Darkpuffin!

Who is Darkpuffin?

My name is Josh or Darkpuffin in game. You should all know me as Ronni’s boyfriend or Milk and Deeva’s sugar baby. I have been playing this game since I was in 6th grade to connect to my father. While I no longer get up at 4 am to skin Gorilla’s in Sholazar Basin, the community I found in this game has kept me around for years after he stepped away from the game. I am a 26-year-old Special Education Teacher who grew up within this game. 14 years in Azeroth has gifted me a myriad of useless knowledge of lore and a near obsession to collect Battle Pets. When I am not online, I am typically spending time with my beautiful girlfriend, who also plays, or going for walks or hikes. We are attempting to adopt/steal kittens because I love animals more than I love 90% of humans. I love helping people and value the people I have met along my long World of Warcraft journey and make sure people know that they are appreciated. I encourage everyone to do the same