
Hello VALOR Fam!

Good afternoon gamers! This week has been nothing short of IMPRESSIVE, as per usual, for VALOR! Besides gaining a big 33 new members, our existing members have been SMASHING through Guild Achievements! A special shoutout to Pharma and LinkTTV and Nick for donating a total of 780,000 GOLD to go towards the pot for our July Transmog Contest! Our total pots for July’s Transmog Contest were: 1st Place: 600K Second Place: 300K and Third Place: 200K. HOLY. MOLY. On the subject of raiding, Fel has started running community Heroic Aberrus raid runs on Saturdays at 8:00 PM EST. This is a raid for those who are experienced with raiding and are capable of carrying their own weight. If you are interested in raiding, please reach out to Fel for more information!

For those who didn’t know, there is a subcategory within Discord’s WoW-CHAT called Stay Classy, which features the Races and Classes that we are missing for our Stay Classy Guild Achievement. The Stay Classy Achievement gives us access to an extra guild bank slot! Speaking of the guild bank, PrawfeT, in his OCD style, has cleaned up and restocked the guild bank, complete with perfect rows and spacing. PLEASE, help yourself! Again, thank you to all who participated in the July Transmog Contest! Keep your eye out in WoW-VALOR Events for the August Transmog Contest Theme!

Weekly Guild Report Notes

  • 21 New max level guild members.
  • 2,927 Average M+ rating of top 20 characters. Up 75 points from last week!
  • +210 new guild achievement points.
  • JustCabrian reached 1K followers on Twitch!

Be sure to check out this week’s Guilds of WoW report here.

Discord Updates

We’re starting to update the Discord with new links and information. A new welcome screen has been added with links to new pages on the website to help keep it cleaner and easier to find our community information. The channel access page has been removed and the new section Channels & Roles can now be found at the top of the page to unlock specific channels. Added new Warcraft themed emotes, cleaned up channels and updated sections.

This is a work in progress and over the next several weeks we will be testing new features so please use the 📤│𝗙𝗘𝗘𝗗𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞/𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗚𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦 channel to let us know what works, what doesn’t, and any ideas you may have.

Community Shoutout!

Shoutout this week to Nomi!

Who is Nomi?

Hello! I’m Nomi, your resident druid. I currently reside in New Jersey. I enjoy all things WoW, whether
doing dungeons or running raids. Outside of game, I am a dog dad to my 15 year old Jack Russell mix, Hercules. I love spending time with family , and of course hanging with my VALOR family. I found VALOR through one of the leaders of the VALOR stream team (Jette_Stream), and once I found out about the community I made way to join. That was when I realized I found a place to call home and that was VALOR. Over time, I met lots of great people from VALOR and can truly call them my good friends. Overall, that’s pretty much all to know about me and hope to see you in game.

That’s it for this week VALOR fam! Everyone have a great week and see you in game!