

Hello VALOR Fam!

Another big week for our community as we expanded into Warcraft Classic Hardcore on the realm Defias Pillager. The hardcore guild is open to everyone so please check it out if you plan on playing hardcore! The guild currently has around 50 alliance members and growing. The prize for being the first guild member to 60 is still up for grabs! See discord for details and best of luck.

Retail WoW guild is closing in on 500 members! Hard to believe just back in May we were only at 65 and just getting started. Thank you to everyone of our members who have a shared vision of what we are working towards. We are only a few months away from our 1 year anniversary and have already accomplished so much thanks to all of you.

A quick reminder that this months transmog contest is coming to an end. You have until the August 31st at 9pm EST to submit your entry in discord. More details under the Event news channel. If you have any questions please reach out to your mod team.

Jette Celebration Stream

Our very own Jette is celebrating her 3 year affiliate anniversary and birthday stream on Monday September 4th. Tune in here and come hang out with us while we celebrate with games, memes and laughs. (bring your own cake)

Interested in raiding? Both VALOR BLUE and VALOR SILVER raid teams are still recruiting. Please message Pizzadog or Sllin for more information and requirements if you’re interested. Note: Mamabear & Fluffe will also be holding an additional raid night on Saturdays invites are open so long as you meet the item level

– This week in VALOR –
Upcoming Events
  • Sep 4th – Jette_Stream celebration
  • Sep 5th – Fury Incarnate
  • Sep 10th – VALOR Community TownHall
  • Sep 16th – Community Game Night
  • Sep 23rd – Discord double xp event

View all events here

Weekly Report Notes
  • New guild members: 26
  • Top 5 average guild M+ rating: 3127
  • Top 5 average guild item level: 445.50
  • Highest item level: Neuro
  • Guild Achievement Rewards: 20/25

View the full report here

Warcraft Roadmap and upcoming patch.

Who is NoodlOctopus

I go by mostly Gurth or Noodl in guild. I am 33 and a commercial plumber. Father of 2 in the real world. I’ve been playing WoW off and on since vanilla and I’ve now stumbled upon VALOR through my friend diggy. I initially joined with the intent on raiding for a few months but now I’ve met some cool people and plan on sticking around even longer. Most of the time now you’ll catch me on for the drunk raids and keys. I’ve typically got some sort of rock playing in the background while I’m gaming but I karaoke a little of everything.

Always feel free to send me pictures of food 🙂 I like cooking, and eating

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That is all the news this week! Check back often to stay up to date on all things VALOR. Please keep in mind if you have any questions, need to speak to a member of your leadership team or have any issues you can use the “Contact mod” channel in discord or send a message any member of leadership at anytime. If you would prefer to remain anonymous or would like to provide detailed feedback you can use the feedback form here.