Meet: Tyliandrus
Hello! My name is Tyliandrus, but everyone calls me Ty. I am the newest Raid Leader & GM in VALOR, and I help manage VALOR 2 as the community grows.
A little background on me: I’m an avid WoW player and raid addict. I almost went semi-pro in MTG when I was in high school, and I was briefly a NA top 20 PvP player in ESO in 3/4 categories for Battlegrounds with one of my best friends, Nayul. My hobbies mostly consist of gaming, writing, and reading. I enjoy writing short stories and playing games like Dark & Darker, Halo, and any games my friends drag me into. I don’t play MTG competitively anymore, but I still enjoy a good game of Commander or Modern if I’m playing tabletop or Explorer & Brawl on MTGA.
My hobbies are mostly reading, raiding, or gaming. If I’m on WoW, I’m usually raiding. Currently, I’m reading a book series called Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu. It’s a really good book—you should check it out! Some of my favorite books are Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, Arena by Holly Jennings, Warcross by Marie Lu, and more recently, Otherworld by Jason Segel. Another good book, if you like Cyberpunk, is Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence. I’ve also been playing Marvel Rivals with my roommate as a Mr. Fantastic & Loki main, but I also like to dabble in solo-player games like Resident Evil & Mass Effect. If I had to pick a favorite game right now, it would probably be Cyberpunk 2077. I love the story, not just for the campaign, but for the world-building. After learning that it was based on a tabletop game, I enjoyed exploring how the world changes between the two. Besides that, I mainly jump on WoW and raid.

A bit about my WoW history: I started World of Warcraft at the end of Legion during the release of Antorus, the Burning Throne as a Demon Hunter. At that time, I wasn’t a good player by any means, and I took a lot of time to improve, but that’s when I discovered my passion for raiding. During Battle for Azeroth, I joined my first guild, <EndGame>, and met some of the people I’m still great friends with today. After our first tier, I was eventually promoted to Raid Leader of our Heroic team. After some Heroics, I wanted a bigger challenge and better loot, so I began pugging Mythic, where I found huge success with earlier bosses.
Unfortunately, I left <EndGame> to pursue Mythic progression and found my first Mythic guild, <Insight>. During my time in Insight, I saw massive improvement in my gameplay, thanks to the players around me. A major influence on my growth was a Demon Hunter named Albert and our Raid Leader Alex. They showed me the simple mistakes I was making and how to improve them while also acknowledging that I was improving as we progressed. This allowed me to grow into a better Mythic player in general, and I still thank them to this day for helping me. Sadly, burnout kicked in, and our team disbanded during Eternal Palace. Damn you, Orgozoa!
Fortunately, one of my best friends in WoW, Joobacca, reached out and introduced me to a new guild, <Life>. When I joined Life, I helped them down Orgozoa, which felt amazing after killing a boss I had struggled with for so long. Eventually, Ny’alotha released, and I began my first hardcore raid progression. During this progression, I continued to improve not only as a player but also mechanically, as I was put in charge of mechanics such as interrupts and stuns. After a huge push and a lot of dedication, I was finally able to achieve my first Cutting Edge on N’zoth. I then joined them for Castle Nathria, where I went 6/10M but stepped down from raiding due to college and lack of good internet, which stunted my team’s progression.
After that, I decided to take a break from raiding to recharge and prevent burnout. I joined my best friend of 15 years, Noname, and we decided to push, and I enjoyed it. Don’t tell Noname. After Noname carried me to multiple KSMs, I eventually returned to raiding casually.
During Dragonflight, after seeing the tier, I decided to rejoin and get myself AOTC. After joining a guild, I was eventually appointed as the RL for our AOTC/Mythic progression, where I met Des.
(You can check out our Sarkareth kill here! It’s also the first place we officially met!)
Des would become my Co-RL, as she was much better at the paperwork than I was, but eventually, we parted ways with our guild due to personal issues, and I took another break.
Now, with The War Within, I’ve returned to raiding with a stronger drive than ever. Wanting to avoid the issues I’ve faced in the past, I was convinced by Tennsyn to build our own guild, and <Falsify> was born. Originally, Falsify started as a simple Heroic guild, but after seeing the toxicity and hate toward new or returning players, we decided to shift the guild’s focus. Instead, we created teams to help players learn. Our main team, 1 More Wipe, had great success in our first tier, getting all our raiders AOTC and their first Mythic kill achievement. From there, we extended our teams into Mythic, creating our second team, Refresh. Falsify’s success has been amazing, and I’m grateful to everyone who helped us. <3

But how did I get involved with VALOR? Well, Des, who had been an integral part of Falsify, also worked with VALOR, and she recommended us to Prawfet as someone they could collaborate with. I met Prawfet for the first time, and we started talking. After a few months of discussions and planning, Falsify & VALOR eventually came together, and VALOR 2 became the new home of Falsify. Falsify became the newest member of the VALOR community. Now, I’m looking forward to raid leading VALOR Insight, the newest Mythic progression team, and raiding with VALOR Beyond, the newest Normal/AOTC team.
My hopes and goals with V2 & the VALOR community are to see the community grow and thrive, helping as many players enjoy WoW and raiding as possible.
What is my role in VALOR Gaming? I am the General Manager of VALOR 2 and the Raid Leader of VALOR Insight. I also assist Des as an Academy Mentor for raiding. I help manage the growth of VALOR 2 (or as you may hear me shorten it to V2), and you might occasionally get me for your tickets or see me around assisting any raiders who may need my help. I’m excited to continue helping out VALOR! 🙂
My hopes and goals with V2 & the VALOR community are to see the community grow and thrive, helping as many players enjoy WoW and raiding as possible. I know that my team, Insight, will act as a stepping stone for players to move into hardcore progression, and it warms my heart to see them achieve that. Blue better watch out, because they may have a whole new bunch of players looking to raid with them when I’m done. 😉

When I met Ty back in Dragonflight, I remember thinking “Who is this guy?”, I had hardly ever talked to him when he was suddenly appointed as my co raid-lead, but we very quickly became best friends, and I can tell you, he is one of the most sweetest people and he really cares about teaching people how to play. He loves helping people just like I do, and I think that’s why Ty and I are such good buddies. Ty and I have been through the wringer together, but through it all we still joke about “Stepping on Des” and quack at each other, Ty i a good person to have around as a friend and as a raid leader. I always believed in him, and I’m glad to see him where he is now.
– Des, Academy Lead