
Get to know your VALOR leadership team! Today we get to know Sparx and what she does for the community.

Hi, I’m Sparx, one of the Leadership members here that’s referred to as “Human Resources”. My day job IS in HR and these skills are used as a Mod and leadership advisor, helping to keep VALOR a fun, inclusive and non toxic online environment. I bought my first gaming computer and joined VALOR in the midst of the pandemic and have loved this community since. I’m not a WoW player, I enjoy shooting zombies and survival games, since VALOR welcomes gamers of any genre, not just WoW. When I’m not online you can find me day drinking with friends, at a Ren Faire, crying over the Steelers, or nerding out to Star Wars, Marvel, D&D, or hanging with my 13 yo daughter.

Sparx is our Human Resources Officer or Orc Resources, Gnome, Elf, whatever you play as… She helps with Mod requests and leadership training. If you feel more comfortable with a safe, strictly private conversation with any questions or concerns she is a great community resource for VALOR members to utilize for assistance, working with community members on various issues from personal, life and community related.

Sparx has been with VALOR since the early days. She has helped shape the community into what it is today. Getting community nights going outside of WoW to get us all out touching grass that is not in Azeroth. She continues to be a key part of our officer team with her suggestions, feedback and being a great friend for me to ask her opinions and approach to decisions that are made both in VALOR and life. – prawfeT

Thank you for taking time to check out our Meet VALOR series! Have feedback about the community or would like to nominate someone for our next Meet VALOR or Community spotlight? Send us your feedback here!