
Fel is the progression director for VALOR. His role is to make sure all of our raiders and raid teams have everything needed to progress through the most difficult content.

Who is Fel?

I started my gaming career with WoW and have played many MMos at end game levels including Black Desert Online, ESO, FFXIV as well as Runescape. I have dabbled in many other MMOs as they came and went. Outside of WoW and Valor, I work as a Network and infrastructure admininstrator for an engineering company. I have been at my current job for about year now and I love it. I take my free time to workout and have a passion for mens physique bodybuilding and will be in the near future begin working towards competing.

Fel’s World of Warcraft history.

I began playing WoW near the tail end of Wrath of the Lich King, but I really began my WoW career with Cataclysm during the last patch. I became the raid lead for the guild I was in at the time and thats where I found my love for the game. I have tanked every expansion since I began raid leading and it has lead to my meeting some of the nicest and best players across the years. It lead me to meeting many of my current guild mates when I first started my own guild during Legion. The guild began during Ny’aloth and even with starting the raid 3 months late, the guild went on to clear 7/12 Mythic. The guild went on to get AoTC during Castle Nathria very quickly and began clearing mythic before real life hit and many players went their own ways.