
Hi everyone!

This is Odvi speaking! I am one of the tanks for the Silver Raid team. I started playing WoW back in
2005, where a 15-year-old version of myself thought “Odviourus” sounded like a cool warlock name; to
this day I don’t know how to pronounce it! Eventually I just shortened it to Odvi (I still do have my
original Warlock made all those years ago as well). I’ve always considered myself a bit of a lore/story
nerd, so the ever-expanding world of Warcraft is what truly captured and maintained my interest for all
these years! I have played all expansions and raided ever since Molten Core; however, after BFA, I took
a step back from playing on a very high-level and started enjoying a more casual pace. I still enjoy
theory-crafting and min-maxing, so you can constantly find me tweaking sims and studying logs every
chance I get.

As for life outside of WoW, I work as a Senior Customer Success Manager/Senior Growth Strategist at a
London-based Fintech company; a role that I absolutely love, as I get to utilize my aptitude for studying
trends and optimizing my client’s fiscal strategies. Although I am a fully remote worker, I still get the
opportunity to travel around the United States visiting my client base for face-to-face meetings when
they request it.

When I am not behind the computer for work or for WoW, you can find me enjoying life in the Theme
Park Capital of the world, Florida. I have lived here all my life, and quite frankly, I love exploring the
many (non-theme) parks, hiking trails, and general wildlife-abundant natural areas we have to offer.
When I am not exploring the natural bounty of Florida, you can find me dining with my wife in any of the fantastic restaurants near me; it has come to a point in which we plan our vacations around food
hotspots as well! My wife and I have been together for eight years now, married for two – and I couldn’t
ask for a better workout/dining/travel partner.

Beyond the wonderful world of food and hikes, I am also a semi-competitive powerlifter within the
USAPL drug-free division. I have only completed one competition so far, but my goal is to compete at
least two times per year at a minimum. I am currently working on myself now to get over some fresh
injuries, which are common place in the sport, but I see myself rebounding stronger than ever!

I consider myself to be always open to chat about anything, as I said, I am a constant learner; there will
never be a topic I am not interested in – so long as the other person has passion about what they are
also speaking about . Thank you for taking the time to read a bit more about who I am! I always look
forward to speaking with all of you in game.

Odvi is incredibly reliable in raid scenarios, demonstrating constant dependability. His interactions with others reflect a genuine respect for everyone, coupled with a consistently positive outlook. Moreover, he is always eager to lend a helping hand to others, embodying a truly commendable spirit of cooperation.

– Brad/Beetus

Thank you for checking out this spotlight!

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