
Hello! My name is JekylllMr.Hyde you can call me Jekylll,Mr.Hyde or just Hyde. I have been apart of the VALOR community for a little while now and I couldn’t say enough great stuff about this group of people. I was found by Jette_stream and BradxRazorfed. My line of work as a CDL truck driver sometimes interferes with gaming but hey it pays the bills and gives me opportunity’s to buy thing to grow my stream and my gaming setup. I grew up in a small town in southern Ohio with a large family so being competitive has always been apart of my life through sports and gaming. Since then I traded one small town for another and have never given up the gaming, I enjoy WoW and first person shooters but I will give about anything a try from mobile games to MMOs to FPS to ARPG. I stream on Twitch, mainly WoW PvP at the moment but have been caught in the PvE side a few times and an occasional FPS game. In my free time I love to help coach a youth wrestling team and middle school team I also love to spend time with my family (my wife and kids and the dogs of course) but that’s enough about me i am always open to questions or chatting so I hope to see you in stream or in discord and would love to get to know all of you. Thank you for the spotlight!

JekyllMrHyde has been a great help to the PvP team and the community. He is a real team player who has come to us with ideas and helps us whenever he is free. He is friendly and respectful, it is always a great time!

– DarkPuffin

Thank you for checking out this spotlight!

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