
In the ever-evolving World of Warcraft (WoW), guilds play a pivotal role in fostering a thriving and cohesive gaming community. As a guild leader or a member seeking the best guild to join, the importance of effective promotion, streamlined recruiting, and seamless event scheduling cannot be underestimated. At VALOR, we have discovered the ultimate solution that revolutionizes guild management – Guilds of WoW (GoW).

Not only does GoW have amazing tools for each guild member, it is also invaluable from the leadership side. It helps spread our message and vision, saves countless hours with automated event scheduling (which shares instantly to our website, automatically creates an event in our Discord, and creates an event in the Warcraft in-game calendar), and so much more.

From prawfeT, the guild founder and owner: “Any guild who is looking to grow has no reason not use Guilds of WoW. The endless amount of features has allowed our leadership team to stay organized and efficiently manage our community.”

Our leadership teams utilize the recruitment feature to promote our community, showcasing our diverse range of offerings, including social, dungeons and raids. By leveraging GoW, players can easily employ filters to search for guilds that align with their specific factions, realms, and interests. This ensures a perfect match for every member, resulting in a more cohesive and harmonious gaming environment.

Fel, VALOR’s progression director, uses GoW for automated audit reports on each team and player:

“Guilds of WoW has provided VALOR with a wide variety of tools to help manage the guild on a large scale in a very easy to use format instead of having to check multiple websites for all necessary information. As the progression director of VALOR, GoW has allowed me to manage all raiding team rosters instead of having to jump between spread sheets and make detailed pages on what cooldowns we have and which we are missing. All of these are provided by GoW pulling APIs from multiple pages to update the information as the roster is updated.

GoW also offers audit reports that allow me to see player activity throughout the week. I can see which players are running dungeons, pushing gear upgrades, raiding on the side, as well as track enchants. This goes back to not having to maintain excel sheets, having to spend time during raid to manually check each person, or check on blizzards armory what each individual person is missing. It allows me to proactively manage raiders, always keep them progression ready, and work alongside them to make them the best players possible.

Attendance notes being automatically recorded for raid also helps us manage who is showing up for scheduled raid nights. We can adjust raiding schedules as needed and make roster changes accordingly instead of having to screenshot who’s in raid and track attendance manually.

These tools have allowed us to progress the guild in a very positive direction and make the changes needed to become a bigger and better guild.”

VALOR’s lead recruitment officer, Pizzadog, shares how he uses GoW everyday for his role in VALOR:

“The features that Guilds of WoW offer are invaluable. I’ve used it to help some of our raiders find their missing enchantments, to check attendance, and to find many of our future members. The recruitment tools are easy to navigate, with informed categories to pare down search results to what you’re really looking for. These include region, realm, and faction specifiers, as well as roles, classes, and even specs. You can also sort by the desired content: mythic+, raiding, leveling and pvp. With some of the fluctuations we’ve had in our team, it’s made the job of finding fresh trials easier. With the click of a button, I can get into contact with potential recruits and start a conversation. Overall, it’s an excellent tool for building and maintaining your guild.”

In conclusion, Guilds of WoW has been a cornerstone of our guild’s growth and prosperity. It has streamlined our operations, strengthened our communication, and elevated our member engagement. They actively listen to user feedback and continuously enhance the platform. We wholeheartedly recommend Guilds of WoW to any guild aspiring to thrive in the World of Warcraft universe.